We have never been more desperate to hold on to our jobs/careers, homes, children, parents, spouse, and especially our limited assets till now (Cash is King). This is a serious problem. This will affect marriages, relationships, and all types of industries. Now you have to ask yourself what can I do to make a dollar out of a dime. We all heard of this expression but never believed it. But I tell you its possible and you must believe it. You just need barakat. Not Barak (Google it). All we need from the new President is hope and faith.It starts with you. We need to start developing a new way of life. The life I saw for a glimpse while living in Europe. I could not believe my eyes. At first I laughed at them. I referred all Europeans as cheap beyond frugal. I was so ignorant of the truth., but I soon realized they use 4x more kilowatts to use the same things we do to power the tv.. The best education to saving money and energy was due to France and England. It was amazing to see the way the Govt relayed and educated the people to save and the amazement of how they listened and obeyed. Only in the last 6 – 12 months North America has waken up, and all of a sudden everything has to be Green. We are so spoiled here when it comes to energy. We don't realize how lucky we are to have the Niagara Falls to produce so much energy for free that supplies millions of homes to Canada and the U.S. The little things do count, literally ,and here are some tips to count the little things.
I guarantee you wont be disappointed and I promise you will learn something new with this short and easy to read e- book to save money in your home, better your credit, and to cut waisting energy and water on your bills.Make sure you have Energy Star approved appliances in your kitchen. Experts say if your fridge or stove is more then 10 years old then your just waisting more energy to keep your fridge and stove from staying at par.
Star Citizen credits for sale A good note to know is if your fridge or stove is 10 years or older or you can actually hear the motor blowing to run the freezer, thats not a good sign. I had a fridge that was 15 years old and it was costing me $50 a month to run. Now my new E Star fridge cost me about 4 – 5 dollars a month. Also to remember about your fridge door. The longer you keep it open the more energy you waist. Nobody knows there fridge more then you do. I too often see people look in there fridge just to see how things are. You buy the groceries you know were you put it, stop opening it to stare. What ever the fridge manual says to keep the temperature of the fridge Eg. the Max temp would be 10, they will say put it to 5 or 4. I have mine at 3 and everything tastes the same.
With a stove you you will save a lot more with gas. To be honest theres a better flavor to your food. The best thing you can do to your stove and oven is to keep it clean, think of it as a tune up. Only use the dishwasher when its full. If you can wash the dishes by hand great, a pet peeve of mine is when someone washes there dishes with water gushing out full blast while there still scrubbing the dishes. Only use the water tap to rinse off the dishes that you already scrubbed and lathered. Think about it Keep the Washer and get rid of the Dryer. Get a Energy approved washer and who cares about the dryer. This is one of the most energy sucking appliances made for us that we don't need. Do you really need a Hummer, and all that gas you waist to go 10 miles. Always wash your clothes in cold water only.